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March 08, 2006

home-based leisure arts

PaperCuts or Silhouette Artistry.

PaperCuts refer to handicrafts made by cutting paper with scissors to form different patterns and pasting them on walls, windows, doors and ceilings is an ancient and timeless art.
Paper-cuttings have different uses or purposes. These can be used as an ornament in gates, windows, walls, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns.

Papercutting has a long history in the folk-art traditions of Jewish as well as Chinese, Polish, Mexican, and many other cultures. Created using readily available tools and relatively inexpensive materials, papercuts are used as decoration for cultural and religious rituals and life-cycle events around the world. In this hands-on workshop, students learn the history of this intricate and fascinating art form and view both historic and contemporary examples of papercut works. They learn about tools and supplies and view practical demonstrations. Students then cut a pre-designed pattern to learn proper technique and go on to create and cut original designs using archival materials. The workshop concludes with useful framing suggestions. as you can see is a folk art of many cultures. No art background or experience is necessary, just an interest in being creative!


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