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January 18, 2008

Life Enrichment Programs

What are Enrichment programs?

Life Enrichment or self enrichement are probably an integral part of many advantage, skilled or gifted people’s lives already.

Enrichment encourages people to:

- learn new skills or add to existing ones
- expand knowledge and skills in regular school curriculum
- learn new skills and interests for personal satisfaction/need
- involve themselves with older, other gifted people or adults based on expertise and common interests

The learning of all pupils should be enriched during the school year but sometimes the average student may not be able to handle more than what the curriculum offers and/or expects. Gifted pupils, on the other hand, can often handle much more. When gifted pupils are challenged through enrichment, brainpower and potential are being tapped. Enrichment is also a great way to keep gifted pupils from getting bored.

Enrichment activities can include:

visits, excursions, festivals, weekend community activities, contests, competitions, science fairs, leadership training, starting new school clubs, taking on school leadership roles, students researching, finding and bringing in guest speakers, using technology to assist teachers, administrators or other students, course modifications to allow a gifted student more control of learning, independent study work acceptable to teachers

Life-Enrichment programs can enhance:

creative thinking
higher-level thinking
communication skills
research skills
leadership skills
level of maturity/sophistication
motivation, enthusiasm, tenacity, responsibility

Gifted people often have the luxury of being able to handle schoolwork quickly and easily. As a result, time may be available for exciting, interesting, challenging life and self-enrichment activities that enhance their lives.


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