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January 20, 2009

Changing Careers

For many people figuring out what their purpose in life is and how to find their dream career, sometimes takes a lifetime. Setting goals and just believing do not always work for everyone, which is why it is important to know who you are first as well as where you want to be in life down the road when you are trying to find out how to find your dream career. I truly believe that every human being has a purpose on earth. For some it may be becoming a superstar athlete or a science teacher at a local high school or even an entrepreneur creating new ideas to change the world, and here is important information you should know about how to find your dream career...

But being in the wrong career is a recession by itself as it can affect your emotional and financial well being. The economic recession is a part of life which is unfortunately inevitable. Therefore both of them together make it a double recession. This is a good guiding article but if my view, the career coaches should try to influence the students and explain to them the adverse implications of being in the wrong career in the first place. Prevention is better than cure and career transition is far from easy. Make your passion your profession-

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