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January 27, 2009

One-Person-Enterprises - Entrepreneurship-series-1

1.Self employment. Focusing on support services for one-person-companies. I will be analysing existing support services for persons in self-employment without employees. This topic provides best pratice examples, closing with recommendations to enhance the support for specific target groups.

A Self Employment Program normally involves three phases of training and support: I: Business Plan Development, II: Start-up, and III: Business Operations. We'll be dealing with business operations.

As Self-employed or Running your own business means:

controlling the time, place, and manner of performing your activities
using your own equipment and tools
covering all operating costs
making a profit or incurring a loss (rather than receiving a salary).

You need to have two very important ingredients for a new business:
1. Confidence in an idea and a willingness to accept the hard work and long hours necessary for success.
2. You will need to do extensive research and information gathering.

I mean information on market research, business name and structure, preparing a business plan, financing, taxation, hiring employees, doing business on the Internet, legal requirements, special regulatory licenses for certain businesses, intellectual property certification, labour regulations and more.

Sources of Financing - sites or publications like an large directory of Canadian financial providers, a powerful search engine of financial providers, information on different types of financing and financial providers, and tips to help you secure financing.

Business operationsOngoing support and feedback as needed
- Assist implementing your action plan as described in your business plan
- Monitor progress through monthly reports submitted by you.
-Meeting your personal and professional objectives through group support, goal setting and personal accountability.

Network:Business associations
Community development corporations,financial institutions, educational institutions or seminars.

Education Seminars:

Take ongoing education seminars which provide with the opportunity for continued development and networking.

Resource Library:

Check library or bookstores which have resource materials in the form of books, videos and CD-ROMs.

Go to a computer lab with a variety of word processing, spreadsheet, accounting, presentation and graphic design packages is available for participants use. Use a business incubator or Buy a computer.

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