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May 12, 2010

The book "Created Equal" Voices on Women's Rights (Paperback)

I would agree with Dorothy Allred Solomon's opinion:

"Created Equal, combines facts, anecdotes, and voices from far-flung places, ethnic origins, and social strata to pierce our hearts and call us to account. Every person who claims to be a citizen of the world, a global citizen must read this book. Every person who claims a conscience will be compelled to act on what they learn."

The book "Created Equal" for sell in Amazon is a frank and clear-sighted introduction to the current state of women’s rights globally. Millions of women throughout the world suffer from violence, poverty and denial of their human rights because of their gender. By exploring their stories, and hearing the views of both advocates for and opponenets of women’s rights, Anna Horsbrugh-Porter reveals the real human costs of the violation of these rights. Among the issues covered in this book are:


-violence against women,

-birth control rights,

-education, career and job advancement



Let spread the word,read the book. Educating ourselves as women and others in the community we also stop gender inequality in the world. Women continue to put in long hours of unpaid work into the reproductive economy regardless of their role in the productive economy.

Gender is a key organising principle in the distribution of labour, property and other valued resources in society. Unequal gender relationships are sustained and legitimised through ideas of difference and inequality that express widely held beliefs and values about the ‘nature’ of masculinity and femininity. Such forms of power do not have to be actively exercised to be effective. They also operate silently and implicitly through compliance with male authority both in the home and outside it.

While institutionalised norms, beliefs, customs and practices help to explain the distribution of gender resources and responsibilities in different social groups, they are clearly not unalterable.

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