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October 14, 2010

Hineni's Business's Coaching Phases

Hineni's business coaching packages are designed to help you to achieve your business and personal goals quickly and comprehensively. In this ongoing coaching partnership, we’ll start by assessing what’s working, what’s not, and clarify what you want to achieve.

Then, we’ll set goals, pinpoint measurable results and a time-line for achieving them. We’ll brainstorm different ways of working, test out ideas and put new strategies into action. And, while we’re doing that, we’ll eliminate any roadblocks in your way so you can focus more clearly, make thoughtful decisions and progress quickly.

Speak with me about your business.

I’ll keep you on track, provide an objective point of view, and the guidance, support and accountability we all need to achieve our goals and overcome our challenges. We will discuss, strategize and brainstorm together, but as a coaching client, it will be up to you to implement and actually do or delegate the work necessary to achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself.

Read on for business coaching packages, options and fees.

In certain areas, when appropriate, I also provide small business consulting services to help with implementation if you don’t have the resources in-house.

In addition to coaching sessions, you’ll get resources, tools, assessments, and exercises all designed to help you achieve your goals, run your business more effectively, make more money and experience less stress.

Since business coaching is a process, the time needed for each individual to achieve their goals is different, but all clients basically go through the same phases.

My business coaching services cover three phases:

1. In the beginning, we outline the work we will do together and clear out any “clutter” and roadblocks that may be standing in the way of achieving your goals.

2. The next phase is when we roll up our sleeves, set plans and action steps, and develop, test and implement new strategies. This is the phase where most of the work and the bulk of the results & rewards take place.

3. In the final phase, we plan out the future goals you will continue to work towards on your own.

I work with a select group of clients who have one thing in common: They are committed to their success. As you can see from the testimonials on this site, my clients achieve significant results.

Most clients work with me for somewhere between 6 months and several years. Why that long? The longer term clients stay after their initial goals have been achieved because they want to continually raise the bar, and set even greater ones. They value on-going guidance, support, insights, accountability and the fresh perspective that comes along with having a partner for success. And most importantly, they continue to receive a high return on their investment in coaching.



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