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February 09, 2009

Female entrepreneur

What does it take to be successful female entrepreneurs?

To be successful female entrepreneurs basically takes what all entrepreneurs need – determination, imagination, and a desire to be successful. Successful female entrepreneurs do need to have a good idea of the area they are starting a business in.

In deciding whether to start a business, I've talked about the need for both passion and opportunity. If passion does not exist, the entrepreneur will quickly be drained; yet, an ingredient that is often not mentioned is that of opportunity. For me, this means meeting and knowing the right people so that you can do partnerships that will help your business.

If you’re a budding entrepreneur trying to decide what industry to go into. These questions seek to help you find that something or industry that you are passionate about, and which would make your entrepreneurial start a little smoother. However, I also reasons for the other side of the fence: that sometimes it’s wonderful to work for someone for a while, before you dash into some dream or business. You will learn discipline, things like having a report on the table by a certain time.”

I acknowledged that money is very important and that there is nothing wrong with having money as a motivation for starting a business. Money itself is not the corrupting factor, but the love of money that is. I admitted that for myself, I was driven by money to be successful and we all have to agree with me that money is a good motivation. What we must see is that money wears the personality and characteristics of its owner. If you have money, you can help built lives and schools, enrich your education or someone else’s. All of which are noble goals to have.

is that whether they have to be a man to succeed in business? I agreed that female entrepreneurs do not have to pretend to be macho or to try to adopt ‘male characteristics’. Instead, female entrepreneurs should retain and enjoy their femininity.

Being male or female, each person has personal qualities that can enable them to succeed in business. In fact, being female can even be a strength amongst male counterparts. Traditionally female characteristics like a greater sensitivity to emotions could be a great strength rather than a weakness, enabling the female entrepreneur to reach out more to her team and employees and thus forge stronger personal links, and in time to come, a stronger company.

Marisol Diaz

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