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January 29, 2009



The term infoprenor is a Néologisme created starting from the words “information” and “contractor”. Infoprenor means “contractor who sells information with an aim of generating profits”.

A varied range of infoproduits Information can be offered under a multitude of formats, as much electronic than physical or in the form of services. Among the principal formats one finds: printed books, e-books, audio books, DVD, guides, handbooks of operation, reports/ratios, conferences, Videoconference S, teleconferences, services of Coaching, course remote, workshops of formation, camps of drive, television programs and radiophonic, sites of subscriptions, Blogue S, etc Short, it has there no limit as for the format which a contractor can use to offer his infoproduits

The development of infoproduits
The contents of a infoproduit can come from the expertise on the infoprenor, the information obtained at the time of interviews with specialists, or research. The development can be made by the infoprenor or of the people to her service such as phantom authors. With an aim of reducing the expenses of development and of increasing his offer, the infoprenor can also get licenses of reproduction, resale or diffusion.

Information must aim developing knowledge and/or at motivating the users. The educational material in all its forms can be qualified of infoproduit. The Romance works of fiction and the can be also qualified as infoproduits in the condition which objective is to them not to divert the reader but to inform, to educate or justify. For example, in the field of the personal Development, one finds the novels of Marc Fisher and Paulo Coelho which aims at transmitting a message symbolic system and to motivate the readers.

Distribution of infoproduits The distribution can be done by the traditional physical channels such as the Librairie S, trade and catalogs or, in the case of electronic documents, by Internet.

Types of infopreneurs Several types of infopreneurs are found: lecturers, trainers, authors, consultants and coaches. Those gather in two categories: the free lances who manage their company starting from the house and the heads of undertaking who employ of the personnel. In both cases, their objective is the same one: to create infoproduits which will generate profits.

Evolution of the infopreneurship
French-speaking side, the word infoprenor hardly starts to be known whereas anglophone side, one uses it since the beginning of the Eighties.

The infopreneurship, as a field of practice, gains moreover in moreover it in popularity, especially since the advent of the Internet.

In the years 1930, one already attended the emergence of infopreneurs with success. At that time, Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie gave conferences and sold audio books and recordings. During the Seventies, Jacques-Yves Cousteau contributed to make known sea-beds by producing educational films and by selling books and derivative products. Today, among the most famous infopreneurs, one finds: Jay Abraham, daN Kennedy, Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins and Mark Victor Hansen.

With the arrival of Internet, the infopreneurship makes information circulation much more accessible and economic that before. Rather than to invest important sums to reproduce information in the form of books, cassettes, CD or DVD, the infoprenor of today is able to offer its products to low costs in downloadable electronic version

Marisol Diaz

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