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January 29, 2009

The Art of Infopreneurship

At some point certain businesses evolve from directly selling a product or service to selling information about that product or service.

This strategy reinforces the old adage: Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime. (A lesser known variation of this adage states: Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you can sell him fishing equipment.)

Some of the best examples of this shift from sales of product/services to sales of information products are in the financial and real estate realms (as evidenced by the Donald Trumps, Robert G. Allens and Robert Kiyosakis of the world). These gurus discovered that they can make a bigger impact (and earn more revenue) teaching others about their success vs. actually working on day-to-day real estate deals, investing, etc. for themselves or their clients.

According to Wikipedia, an "infopreneur" is someone whose primary business is gathering and selling electronic information. Some infopreneurs are in it for the quick buck (repackaging existing content and trying to sell it using a myriad of spammy and gimmicky schemes), but the legitimate infopreneurs are experts in their fields who create value by packaging and publishing their original content. In essence, they transform from "practitioner" to "teacher" to "author/publisher."

How is this relevant to your business and Provider Marketing? Packaging and sharing your expertise may develop into a significant revenue stream over time. Just ask Martha Stewart, Rachael Ray, Caesar Milan, or Seth Godin.

At some point certain businesses evolve from directly selling a product or service to selling information about that product or service.

This strategy reinforces the old adage: Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime. (A lesser known variation of this adage states: Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you can sell him fishing equipment.)

Some of the best examples of this shift from sales of product/services to sales of information products are in the financial and real estate realms (as evidenced by the Donald Trumps, Robert G. Allens and Robert Kiyosakis of the world). These gurus discovered that they can make a bigger impact (and earn more revenue) teaching others about their success vs. actually working on day-to-day real estate deals, investing, etc. for themselves or their clients.

According to Wikipedia, an "infopreneur" is someone whose primary business is gathering and selling electronic information. Some infopreneurs are in it for the quick buck (repackaging existing content and trying to sell it using a myriad of spammy and gimmicky schemes), but the legitimate infopreneurs are experts in their fields who create value by packaging and publishing their original content. In essence, they transform from "practitioner" to "teacher" to "author/publisher."

How is this relevant to your business and Provider Marketing? Packaging and sharing your expertise may develop into a significant revenue stream over time. Just ask Martha Stewart, Rachael Ray, Caesar Milan, or Seth Godin.

Original by Randy Nargi
A fantastic marketing expert and advertising guru

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