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February 17, 2010

From Manager to Manager

Two great things I've learned in business

It's All About Working with the Right People

Do you ever find yourself explaining someone how to do something over and over again? Do you ever feel like if you want something to get done right you have to do it yourself? I have news for you: you don't have the right people on your team. I stressed for years because people I hired didn't do as well as I expected them to. After a while I realized that if 99% of my employees weren't doing a good job, I was hiring the wrong people.

When you hire the right people, everything becomes easier and more fun. The way I know someone is the right person for the job is if I can tell them WHAT to do but not HOW to do it. Tell smart people the outcome you expect and they'll find a way to make it happen.

Your Happiness Shouldn't Be Tied to Your Results

Every time I lost a client, I was really sad. Every time I got a new client, I was really happy. I don't do that anymore. It's just not good for me. Failures and successes are part of the game. Some things work out and some things don't. If you can't accept that, you shouldn't own your own business or you'll always be unhappy.

Today, I'd rather have 30 clients each paying $2,000 a month than one client paying $100,000 a month.

It's great to work with a goal in mind, but you should enjoy the journey too. Otherwise, nothing makes sense. Love what you do and do it as well as you can. Some days you'll see great results and some days you'll find obstacles along the way. It's the way it is. Accept it and keep on moving on. Enjoy your successes and failures. Remember: you'll learn much more from failure than you will from success.

Marisol Diaz
Serial entrepreneur, Cross Cultural Specialist, published author, speaker and founder of "Resources for Int'l Professionals in Canada Blog":


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