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June 03, 2010

Become Self-sufficient

Become Self-sufficient

Self-sufficiency builds self-esteem and confidence, allowing you to participate in relationships out of conscious choice instead of a desperate need. Identify the things in your life for which you are dependent on someone else (finances, emotional well-being, household tasks, etc.). Pick one and start taking responsibility for managing this for yourself.

If finances is your issue, take control, tackle and bring a solution to it either by working outside the home or from home.

Take control

Debt or scarce financial resources creates stress and/or dependency on others. Make a list of your monthly expenses and income. If you live beyond your means, you need to alter your lifestyle or develop an action plan for earning the money to support it.

Working outside the home or from home?

This is an issue that evokes strong emotions on both sides. And both choices are laced with a lot of rewards accompanied.

What is my reason for working outside of the home?

Many women work outside of the home because of finances. A husband and wife must decide together what their financial situation requires. However, it would be wise as couple and as families to consider the difference between “needs” and “wants.” A nurturing home life always outweighs momentary material accumulation that is not necessarily required. The pattern in the Bible is for a wife to maintain the home, and there is always blessing in God’s relationship structures. If a family is struggling financially, it may be preferable for a wife to first consider if she can find a job that keeps her closer to home, has convenient hours for the family, or is run out of her home.

What is my energy level?

Not many women can balance a high profile career with their home life. A woman with a high energy level may be able to give her all in her home life and also in her job, but it must be remembered that motherhood is a twenty-four hour job, and she is taking on two occupations when she works outside of the home. This is a lot of strain to take into consideration.

Will this create home-life division or unnecessary temptation?

Today, more and more children are raising themselves. The mark of this is becoming apparent in a spiritually anemic younger generation. Biblical marriages are falling apart at the same rate as those who are unbelievers. This should cause biblical couples to consider whether their choices will profit their family or harm it. A woman must consider if working outside of the home will create undue temptation. Infidelity skyrocketed when women began to join the workforce, and women should be sober in considering their work options.

It must also be considered that a couple and family might profit from a wife’s work outside the home. She may be able to supplement the income. She also may have work that she enjoys, and the family can share in that joy. This is a topic each couple should prayerfully consider, preferably before marriage, so they may be united in what will bring spiritual, emotional, and provisional well-being to the family in a way that will honor G-d and His Word.

We encourage women to always be financially independent, as you never know the future. Self-sufficiency builds self-esteem and confidence, allowing you to participate in relationships out of conscious choice instead of a desperate need.

Business ideas to work from Home: A Complete Guide to Finding or Creating a Work-At-Home Job @

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