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September 02, 2010

How to start your membership site

How to start your membership site

Starting a membership site offers a generous income resource for you. You can begin one from scratch or locate trustworthy companies that will take care of the whole thing for you. Either way, you can take your hobby, particular knowledge orvocation and turn it into a rewarding business.

Almost every sort of interest and niche has a place for a membership site, because it’s a natural growth of the internet, which benefits both consumer and site owner…

You – as the proprietor – profit a great deal by receiving a steady, predictable income from all those lucrative monthly subscriptions.

How to start your membership site you need to know:

1.what you need,
2.How to build and how to manage the site.
3. You will need to choose a theme or topic,
4. Decide on membership software and scripts,
5. Decide on which autoresponder you will use,
6. Decide on a membership model,
7. Decide what types of content you will use and what your source of content will be,

Decide if your membership going to be free or paid?
what kind of digital products? What if any audio and video products will you are using? Are you going to be using an affiliate program to help promote your site if so,
how will you manage your affiliate program? Will you become involved in Joint Ventures (JVs)?
Decide on what help desk and forum scripts you will be using.
Will you have a shopping cart on your membership site if so will it be on another server or on your server?
What resources will you make available to your membership?


Marisol Diaz, infocoach. She has set up a membership site that coached you personally, or you interacted with incredible leaders in the niche. To learn more about how you can start your membership site? Check out Membership Advising and coaching to learn more.


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