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September 21, 2010

Built in Word­Press Mem­ber­ship Site Maker

How to Set-Up a Word­Press Mem­ber­ship Site Maker in less than 30 minutes

I am going to show you three ways to set-up a mem­ber­ship site and is very easy. ohter tools will pro­vide much bet­ter pro­tec­tion, more pow­er­ful fea­tures, and much more pro­fes­sional tools to help you, but each can get the job done.

All you will need is one of the site build­ing option, an email list or pro­mo­tion tech­nique, and con­tent to get on your way.

Option 1:Built in Word­Press Mem­ber­ship Site Maker This option is free, easy to setup ini­tially, and built in to your cur­rent word­press dash­board. Sounds good right? Let me tell you how to make this happen.

How you can do it? The first step is easy!
Write unique and impor­tant con­tent in your word­press blog. Then go into the “Edit” tab of your “Posts” menu in the Word­Press Dash­board. Select the con­tent you would like to make part of your new mem­ber­ship site and open the indi­vid­ual “Edit Post” screen. In the right side­bar, at the top there is a “Pub­lish” widget. Go to the “Vis­i­bil­ity” option and select “edit”. Then out of the 3 options choose “Pass­word Pro­tected”. Input the pass­word and you now have pro­tected content.

The next step is to cre­ate a “page” with the title of your pre­mium con­tent, mem­ber­ship site. Then use this page to describe the mem­ber­ship, offer a Pay­pal or other auto­mated pay­ment option. Give out the pass­word to those that have bought the rights. And watch your income start to come.

Of course it is impor­tant to note that mem­ber­ship sites take a lot of work to pub­li­cize and get mem­bers to.

Here are some Pro’s and Con’s of this Word­Press Option:

Pro’s- Free and very easy to set-up ini­tially. Already built into your cur­rent Word­Press dash­board and eas­ily con­verts all of your blog con­tent into pre­mium content.
Con’s- Admin­is­tra­tion of the mem­ber­ship site and con­tent will be tedius and dif­fi­cult. Keep­ing track of mem­bers, chang­ing pass­words for secu­rity rea­sons, updat­ing sta­tus, get­ting paid, and run­ning the mem­ber­ship site will be chal­leng­ing and long.

Insert free Mem­ber­ship Site Word­Press Plug-in

The next option is also free, offers more options and is eas­ier to admin­is­ter the site with. Mem­ber­Wing is the com­pany and name of the mem­ber­ship plug-in. It also touts that the plug-in works seam­lessly with The­sis Theme and offers great seo.

Just like any other plug-in, you down­load the mem­ber­ship plu­gin from their site and load it into your word­press blog. Then con­fig­ure it and in no time you have a mem­ber­ship site.

Here are a few of their options:

Insert {+++} any­where into a post or page to cre­ate a text marker. Every­thing before the marker is free to see (a teaser) and every­thing after­wards is paid content.
Con­tent and Down­load Pro­tec­tion to stop “guess­ing” and unau­tho­rized links to your pre­mium content.
4 Mem­ber­ship lev­els: Bronze, Sil­ver, Gold, and Plat­inum options allow for dif­fer­ent pric­ing option and con­tent availability.
Works seam­lessly with Pay­pal, Ejunkie, Pay­Dot­Com, Click­bank and other pop­u­lar pay­ment programs
Pro’s — Much bet­ter admin­is­tra­tion then with pass­word pro­tect­ing your blog. Allows you to have more con­trol with spe­cific cod­ing and scripts to do much of the work for you. Addi­tion­ally the free plug-in allows you to see how well the mem­ber­ship site will work with your content.

Con’s - The plug-in is free, but to receive all of the options there are mul­ti­ple lev­els of plug-ins. So to get the best sup­port, fea­tures and help you will need to have the pre­mium ver­sions of the plu­gin. I also think that although func­tional, the free ver­sion is not very appeal­ing to the eyes. It could use some design work to make it look more professional.

Inserting the Pre­mium Mem­ber­ship Site Plug-in

This is my favorite option. Of course it is the high­est qual­ity and best value. No it is not free, but the value comes in what you get out of it for what it costs. The Wish­list Mem­ber­ship Plug-in offers both a pow­er­ful and lite plug-in to get your site opti­mized and up and run­ning as quickly as you can cre­ate content.

One thing that is par­tic­u­larly great is that you can cre­ate con­tent in waves. For exam­ple if you start the mem­ber­ship site and want to cre­ate 10 lessons, you only need one to get mem­bers to start on. Then automa­tion takes place where they are upgraded to new con­tent based upon your pref­er­ences of time, con­tent, or choice.

Also, unlike the free choices the pre­mium mem­ber­ship site offers a very sleek look that lets your mem­bers and poten­tial clients know that they are work­ing with a pro­fes­sional site that will offer amaz­ing content.

Here are a few features:

Unlim­ited Mem­ber­ship Levels
Easy Instal­la­tion with New or Exist­ing Blog
Flex­i­ble Mem­ber­ship: Free, Trial, Paid and any com­bi­na­tion of them all!
Shop­ping Cart System
Grad­ual Con­tent Deliv­ery System
At-A-Glance Mem­ber­ship Admin­is­tra­tion: easy to see all mem­bers, import/export files, upgrade mem­bers, pause or delete, sta­tus checks, and more.
Secure RSS Feeds
Content/Download Pro­tec­tion
“Sneak Peak” Con­tent Display
Cus­tom Error Pages
30 Trial Period with Guar­an­teed Money Back Offer
Sleek Design
Easy inte­gra­tion with Cur­rent Theme
Free Upgrades to your plug-in for life
Great free support
Sup­port Videos and tutorials
Auto Response and Auto Pay­ment options

The best fea­ture I found is the abil­ity to make the con­tent and then auto­mate the process com­pletely. I have been amazed with the sys­tem and know that if you can lever­age your traf­fic, build extremely unique con­tent, and use a pow­er­ful mem­ber­ship plu­gin you will make money.

After look­ing over the options and check­ing out the fea­tures, check to see if start­ing a mem­ber­ship site is right for you. Many of the wordpress users are using these options to max­i­mize their income online and build their author­ity online. At the right price, you can do it too!

Marisol Diaz is an experienced workshop presenter,executive editor,IA and a Soho specialist. She has been also writing on Canada settlement, employment and immigration law since 2006. contact her @

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