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August 26, 2009

Free vs. Paid Information

Free vs. Paid Information

After the Web being in our consciousness for over a decade now we’ve fallen into several bad habits. The one I am going to talk about today is the habit of thinking that you can get any information you seek for free online and that that free info is correct, legit and reliable.

You most certainly can find valuable and trustworthy information online. But you will spend a vast amount of your time vetting out sources, visiting crummy sites and reading commentary by those who really don’t even know how to write succinctly enough to validate their writings, let alone give the impression that the information they provide is true and accurate.

Do not hesitate to pay for information. Whether they be special reports, white papers, site access or even newsletters. By paying for information from your trusted few it saves the time of having to seek out, find and read numerous Web sites filled with information that may not be accurate or reputable. Time is money after all.

Not everything that is free has true value….

I tend to side on the pay for information side of the street. By doing so I get quality knowledge when I need it from trusted sources who stake their reputation on the information they provide. You get what you pay for.

Putting their valuable intelligence to work for you! At your service,

Hineni Media

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August 20, 2009

Proven Topics For Subscription Websites

Coming up with the right mix for a subscription website is one of daunting tasks for those wanting to start such websites. There are however 5 such subjects which are the most popular ones.

It’s a serious business to start and run such a website. But the ongoing research has shown that there are 5 such subscription websites, which have performed well time and again. These are -

• Trade association websites
• Print newsletter
• Job and career sites
• Personality or insider profile website
• Product library downloads

We can look at them one by one

1. Trade association

Most trade associations provide various kinds of services and benefits to their members. In this case, the same is extended over the Internet. In a members’ only subscription website, they are able to provide the same kind of benefits. Many trade associations extend such benefits. These include financial, marketing, legal and other such benefits. Latest news and information from the trade circles.

There are many such sites. Some sites boast of even membership of 85,000 and above. Such is the popularity of these websites. While many membership subscription websites are interactive, the rest are just billboard type websites having one or two pages listing the names and the contact information of the members.

2. Print newsletter

A print newsletter, which is a successful one can be very easily uploaded on to become a subscription website for members only. There are many advantages of carrying the print version online. Though not a newsletter, the online version of the ’The Economist’ is also available online. The various benefits that accrue to the subscribers are -They can search for articles in the previous issues -The current issues are available at a touch of the mouse and they don’t need to wait for the mailman to deliver the issues -Other value added benefits might be available on the website itself –Many new members can easily subscribe to the newsletter online

3. Job and career sites

There are literally hundreds and thousands of sites, which provide news and information on jobs and careers

-They provide job listings -There are many articles, tips, and tricks on how to prepare for these jobs -Have links to educational sites, employer sites etc. -Provide information on startup business, marketing tools, financial tools etc. -These sites charge subscription fees, which fall in the range of £300 – £500. Many of these sites are also free (they are supported by many advertisements)

4. Personality or insider profile website

The subscription site is developed around a personality. This personality would be considered an authority and an expert in their chosen field around the world. They usually charge subscription fees, which can be quite steep. A particular stock analyst charges almost £2,000 per year. Subscribers log on daily for his analysis of stock movement and the advice provided is considered sacred. This is because he has an amazing track record and is the best in the industry.

5. Product library downloads

There are various product library downloads for example clipart, music files, scripts, .pdf files etc. The members to these subscription sites are in need of professional products, which they can download. For example clipart and templates for PowerPoint presentation for the professionals. There are many free sites as well as paid sites, which are available. Some of these can charge upwards of £150 onwards for downloading their entire product library.

Since there are both free and subscription sites for members, the paid sites need to differentiate them from the rest. The paid subscription sites need to deliver the specific and requested information conveniently and quickly.

Source: Computer Technology

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August 14, 2009

Working as a Translator: Self or contracted employment

As a translator, I have asked myself this a thousand times while I was going to the university and I had to work out the answer before getting my degree because I opened my own agency by that time. Right now I am going to outline some advantages and disadvantages of both situations so that everyone can come to the conclusion that makes the most sense for them.

Autonomy Being an autonomous or independent, or as it is referred to in the industry, “freelance” translator in an interesting choice from the point of view of comfort and organization of your time. Since you don’t have to go to an office at a specific time, you can work comfortably from your own home and decide the schedule and working conditions for yourself. It also the important advantage of income: once you have established yourself in the market, the jobs you will receive will allow you to earn more than with a monthly salary at a company.
As a Translator myself being in charge of my own accounts has been liberating. The flexibility of my schedule and the relationship I build with my clients are bonuses.

On the other hand, independence has its price. When there is a lot of work and you are tempted to take on more, it is hard to know where to draw the line and decide, for example, to take a break instead of working all weekend. We also shouldn’t forget that unfortunate circumstances can always arise when it comes time to collect on a payment, since the translator him/herself is the one responsible for the organization of how much he/she has worked and how to receive the money that is owed.
Lastly, one of the essential topics for this subject is the social aspect. Working alone at home can be productive, since you are relaxed, but we can’t forget that a group setting is what nourishes us and helps us grow.

Being a contractor or employee

As far as direct employment, without a doubt its greatest advantage is security, both in the source of work and in the simple fact that you know there will be some money coming into your account every payday. Likewise, some people enjoy having a structured workday and the ability to check out of their professional responsibilities when the end of the day comes. Another irrefutable positive aspect of direct employment are the benefits associated with most jobs, such as a health care plan, among other things.

However, this working relationship takes away some of our freedoms as far as the chance to make certain decisions and, as a result, limits us. In certain working environments it is difficult to grow, whether in regards to salary or professional development. Additionally, having a set schedule presents difficulties in solving personal situations, whether they involve going to an office to file some paperwork or taking a nap after lunch.

And now revisiting the social aspect, it is the greatest advantage of working as a direct employee, from my point of view. Group work is completely gratifying, as it allows us to learn and, at the same time, to share our knowledge. This setup keeps us from being isolated, which is a vice that is all too common in our profession.
So what is the right choice?

The joy of being self employed is that it can all be done from home – including finding freelance work that will keep those financial fires burning.

The technical differences between being employed and self-employed basically concern tax and legal rights.
If you are "self-employed", it could mean that you had registered your own company that that you are an employee (the only employee) at your own company. This has some tax and legal advantages in some countries, but perhaps not in all countries.

For example, if I as a freelancer makes a mistake, then I'm personally liable, but if I'm self-employed (employed by a company, even if I'm also the owner of that company), then the company is liable. Also, as a freelancer I may not qualify for various tax breaks offered to companies, but if I register a company, then I might qualify. But this differs from country to country

Self-employed means you employ yourself (usually a good boss to have!) and you have to pay your taxes, social security, etc. yourself.

A freelance who has a fulltime job, also has to pay taxes on the freelance income. One way of distinguishing between self-employed and freelance is that a self-employed person 'does not have a boss' and a freelancer may be an employee who is 'freelancing' in the evenings.

To work or be an employee or certain company or looking at the legal side – if you’re an employee, you make a contract with your employer. You have a number of legal rights such as in unfair dismissal and redundancy, maternity and parental leave benefits and notice payment.

How do we decide? That decision with be the result of many factors: our age, our economic situation, our confidence in ourselves, the translation market where we live, the path we want our career to take, our goals, and, fundamentally, our own will.

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August 07, 2009


Human rights can only be achieved through an informed and continued demand by people for their protection. Human rights education promotes values, beliefs and attitudes that encourage all individuals to uphold their own rights and those of others. It develops an understanding of everyone's common responsibility to make human rights a reality in each community.

Human rights education constitutes an essential contribution to the long-term prevention of human rights abuses and represents an important investment in the endeavour to achieve a just society in which all human rights of all persons are valued and respected.

Every woman and girl is entitled to the realization of all human rights -- civil, political, economic, social and cultural -- on equal terms with men, free from discrimination. Women and girls also enjoy certain human rights specifically linked to their status as women.

The world has recognized that the human rights of women and of the girl-child are "an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights." (Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, para. 18.) Women are guaranteed equal treatment and freedom from discrimination in the most basic human rights treaties, and women's human rights are the subject of a specific treaty, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

My mission and beliefs are to promote women’s human rights and to support the active and broad participation of women as free individuals and equal citizens in the establishment and maintenance of a democratic and peaceful order at national, regional and international levels.

Support and check out sites like these:


August 05, 2009

Cross cultural Managment

Cross cultural Issues In The Workplace:

Three cultural issues that exist in the workplace can be music, religion, and ethics. Each of these issues can have a major effect on the workplace environment and the production of the workflow. Music may increase or slowdown the workflow of many companies. Exceptions as that most warehouse jobs allow employees to listen to music during work hours is known. Most people say that they work much better when they have music playing in the background while they do their work. If this is the case, then employees should be allowed to play their favorite types of music while they work so they are in a more relaxed working environment. This can often lead to horseplay and laziness.

I believe if the workplace environment is too relaxed, the employees tend to get too lazy. Some people look at the situation as a benefit in creating a more relaxed working environment, but others may take advantage of the situation causing the production of the workflow to suffer. The type of music playing in the background may cause a major conflict in the workplace environment as everybody has their own favorite genre of music that they enjoy listening to. If the Hispanic people turn up the radio and listen to Spanish music, then that may offend a person that only listens to Hip-Hop music. In a situation like this, the people would have to come to an agreement and select a mutual radio station everybody can agree on or lose the privilege of having music in the workplace.

Another issue that effects the workplace environment is religion. Some people practice their religion very heavily, while others don t practice it at all. People that are heavy into religion shouldn t be preaching their religion and their beliefs to everybody they come across, especially in the workplace. This is very offensive to people that don t practice religion or to people that practice another form of religion. When someone in the workplace preaches his her religion to you, it creates a very uncomfortable situation. It is often hard to be rude to the person because they are preaching the word of their God. When you try to be polite to the person, they may constantly talk to you about their religion day after day. I feel that religion shouldn t be expressed so freely in the workplace. It can create lots of tension to many people in the workplace.

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Preaching in the workplace

Guess who's knocking on the office door? It's God. If Canadians decide to let him in, we may set ourselves up to become as beset by inter-religious strife as the Arabs and the Jews (no offense). According to an article in a famous magazine, the latest craze has corporate executives fighting for free expression of religiosity in the workplace. Lord help us if this "craze" succeeds.

As recounted by magazine, "Three dozen middle-aged rebels in business suits are gathered for lunch in a conference room on the top floor of a Bank building in a province ... They are floating radical ideas: Work less. Slow down. Stop multitasking. Listen to your heart ... (They represent) a counterculture bubbling up all over corporate America who want to bridge the traditional divide between spirituality and work. Historically, such folk operated below the radar, on their own or in small workplace groups where they prayed or studied the Bible. But now they are getting organized and going public to agitate for change."

"Rebels?" "Radical ideas?" It seems truly bizarre to paint these gentlemen as romantic figures in a heroic battle. There is nothing new or radical about their ideas. Today's workplace evangelists propose nothing less than a reinstitution of the repressive tactics our Founding Fathers od US fled England to avoid authoritatively imposed religiosity. Spirituality is a very personal thing. People should come to it, it should not be foisted on them.

Besides, can you imagine how incensed most of corporate America would become if people "worked less, slowed down and stopped multitasking" in the name of the Lord?

Can you imagine the competition among various sects of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism and so on that will want to turn the workplace into one big evangelical marketplace? Members of non-evangelical religions, such as Judaism and Buddhism, (not to mention atheists and agnostics) will be offended as co-workers proselytize them at work. Productivity will drop. Lawsuits will blossom.

Do evangelical Christian Americans really want to be interrupted by office mates who stop working and bow to Mecca several times a day? Do Jews want Buddhists burning incense in the workplace? Do Catholics want Baptists to try to convert them? Do Muslims want Wiccans praying to pagan gods at the office? On and on it might go in its florid capacity to create interoffice strife where such strife never before existed.

"Why would we want to look for God in our work?" Fortune quotes one man as asking. "The simple answer is most of us spend so much time working, it would be a shame if we couldn't find God there. A more complex answer is that there is a creative energy in work that is somehow tied to God's creative energy. If we can understand that connection, perhaps we can use it to transform the workplace into something remarkable."

There's also no end of issues that already divide us plenty on the job: turf, working conditions, employee conduct and so on. Let's not add one more very explosive element into the mix. If an evangelist comes knocking on your office door, tell him, "Thanks, but I'll see you in your spiritual community."

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what does god look like today?

What does god look like today?

Answer: God is a spirit (John 4:24), and so His appearance is not like anything we can describe. Exodus 33:20 tells us, “But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” As sinful human beings, we are incapable of even seeing God in all His glory and living. His appearance is utterly unimaginable and too glorious to be safely perceived by sinful man.

The Bible describes God appearing to people on various occasions. These should not be understood as describing exactly what God looks like, but rather as God revealing Himself to us in a way that we can understand. Two passages that powerfully describe God’s appearance are Ezekiel 1:26-28 and Revelation 1:14-16.

Ezekiel 1:26-28, “Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.” Revelation 1:14-16, “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.”

These passages represent Ezekiel’s and John’s best attempts at describing the glory of God that they witnessed. They had to use symbolic language and similes to describe that for which human language has no words, i.e., “what appeared like,” “like the appearance,” “he looked like,” etc. We do know that when we are in heaven, “we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:3). Sin will be no more, and we will be able to perceive God in all His glory.

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Benefits of Spirituality

Benefits of Spirituality

Belief can be translated into physical reality in the body. people experience spirituality when, first, they feel the presence of a power, force or energy guiding them, and second, that presence is close to them. When those two components are there, people say it’s a spiritual experience. For 95% of Canadians, the most powerful belief is belief in God. If you want them to have the healing power of belief, their most powerful belief is the belief in something beyond themselves.
The benefits of prayer and spirituality are enormous.

How can we describe the positive impact of spiritual belief in our health, work and daily life?

The positive impact of spiritual belief on health is the result of hope that people can get from religion, or can come from from belief in a larger reality that allows them to be non-attached to a specific outcome.

Sometimes it could be both, or either.If you believe, in one extreme, in a sugar pill, that belief can help you heal. It almost doesn’t matter what you believe in, in a religious belief, in your doctor, in nature itself. We all have a belief in something and we have to tie in the power of the body to heal with what we believe in, which may be different from person to person.

How do we differentiate this power of belief from what we might just call the will to live, or love of life?

That’s part and parcel of it. Or look at the numerous examples of people who stayed alive for a wedding and anniversary, or willed themselves to die with the loss of a loved one.

Spirituality has been an influential force for many people. Although often ignored in business settings, it has recently been a topic of heightened interest to managers and scholars worldwide

What a better world it would be if more people were spiritual. The benefits of being spiritual will result in your having a more serene life. Spirituality not only helps you deal with difficult times, it also helps you heal physically. Those who are spiritual recover faster from an illness than those who aren’t spiritual.

There are differences between spirituality and religion. You can have a connection to a spiritual force/power/energy. Religion, which is a doctrine of belief with rituals, is a form of spirituality.

Spirituality provides a sense of deep self which enables you to deal with the obstacles in your life. You make better decisions.

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